A treasure for young and old alike.

To look at, read and dream.

A Tale of Wizards, Dwarves, Giants, Knights and Secrets

This wonderful book transports the reader into a fantasyfilled world of affectionately drawn illustrations. The accompanying text will make readers laugh andwill fill them with awe.


Explore the world of mountain giants, giant trees, mermaids, elves, sylphs and gnomes. Whether adventure land, danger land or pirate treasure island, there is something to discover everywhere!

Wishing Stars

Find out how Rodibert Rufus Rusticus conjures up wish stars with his little friend Crow. They also tell you why these stars are so special. But pssssst! Do not tell anyone.

Three Friends

The knight Walther of Fortlight, the dwarf Gnomi Redcap and the defender dwarf Rufus Steelcap are three friends, who have taken it upon themselves to help widows and orphans, to drive out evil trolls and vanquish dangerous dragons. But can they also defeat the Dragon Brawlfire?

“As an adult I have successfully realized my dream of creating a book that I would have liked to have had as a child. I hope to have won over many hearts with this book.” – Walter H. Vugrin


Walter Vugrin, born in 1964 in Gernsbach, Germany, has held many managerial positions in the economic sector for more than 30 years. He is also active as an author and a spokesman. In addition to his passion for mountain tours in the Himalayas and spiritual life-themes, he has always wanted to bring joy to old and young alike with a children´s story of his own design.
